Partner with PROGIRA, staff with a team of spectrum planning and management experts, who possess a combined experience of more than 100 years in the industry. We offer valuable insights, identify potential obstacles and unveil potential opportunities to your spectrum. The strategic consultancy services we provide are divided into 6 fundamental areas of consideration: network coverage, frequency planning, digital dividend opportunities, network infrastructure investment strategies, frequency planning, and spectrum management. Our aim is to to help clients achieve the results they require and maximise the returns from their spactrum. Our services are scalable and customizable so as to tailor to your evolving needs.
Infrastructure Investment Optimization
Create cost-effective approach to your network design and deployment
Digital Dividend Possibilities
Create strategies to resolve digital dividend and optimize the allocation of spectrum.
Spectrum Managment
Streamlines managment of spectrum, ensuring operational and cost efficiency
A goal without a plan, is just a wish.
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Are you Maximizing your Returns from your Networks?
Network planning and design is one of the most crucial step that is often overlooked during a broadcast network implementation process. Even with the most advanced equipment, a poorly planned or designed network can, and in most of the time, be a huge hindrance to achieving your objectives, and ultimately achieving success.
With decreasing spectrum, increasing number of services sharing a limited spectrum space, increasing interferences and increasing demand for quality in services – accurate network planning and design has become fundamental for all network deployments.
In PROGIRA, we offer you the right tools, such as PROGIRA plan, which enables us to accurately compute network coverage through advanced propogation models. Therefore by analysing the results and the analysis of existing infrastucture, we help you make strategic decisions or investments tailored to meet your objectives which are specific to your network requirements.
Are you Avoiding the Pitfalls when you deploy your Digital Networks?
With more than 20 years of experience in network planning and deisgn, we have witnessed many costly mistakes which can be avoided with professional network planning and design.
Professional planning at an early stage creates savings of up to 20% in CAPEX. Without adopting a professional and verifiable planning methodology, your estimates for CAPEX and OPEX will be inaccurate. You may run the risk of losing the confidence of important stakeholders with overestimations.
By analyzing existing infrastructure, equipment and the needs before network deployment, we can avoid many costly mistakes. The lack of planning leads to uninformed and poor investments which does not contribute, and often present themselves as major obstacles to the success of your network.
With PROGIRA, feel confident that your network are planned and implemented efficiently and successfully.
Featured Clients
“Our main goals for the DAB planning project was an in depth analysis of the former VRT DAB network coverage and redesign of a new network future proof topology, coping with the evolving influence of contemporary construction principles. Cooperation with PROGIRA is a swift process, they deliver added value by own insights based upon wide experiences with other broadcast design projects”
Senne Van Loon
Projectleider Distributie
Let’s Talk
Ready to deploy radio-frequency networks that bring greater returns?
Looking to fast-track your network digitization process?